Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Now Its A Three Horse Race

Well I sit back at see that now it is a three horse race for the sheriff's position. I read what Tommy and now Rich Gamble had to say in the paper as to what both candidates would do if they were elected and I have some hard questions for the Gamble camp.

1. With the current budget problems that are plaguing the current administration due to a lack of budget allowed by the current County Commissioners, If you are elected where are you planning on getting this money to first buy all new patrol bikes and also to educate all of the officers, or are you under the opinion that if this commissioners board stays in place that they will allow more money for your department and that their problem is only with the current sheriff?

2. You have suggested that you will replace a majority of the patrol fleet with bikes, to save money? You also stated that they could be used rain or shine. firstly how safe will our officers be trying to perform a high speed chase or a slippery 1-95and secondly have you ever driven down a rain soaked backwoods Georgia dirt road at 3in the morning? Our officer's safety needs to be considered when making this change.

3. Unlike the current race for the presidency can we expect the campaign for sheriff to be ran clean or have a return of the dirt throwing of the last race for sheriff?

4. With the recent comments from the Grand Jury about the failing condition of the Jail, would you plan to do anything to replace the jail?

5. Even if your not a candidate for sheriff answer these questions for yourself. See how they answer it to your answers.


Anonymous said...

Dear Bill is Great –

I would first like to direct you to two locations. The first is my website @ http://www.richforsheriff.com/. The second is www.myspace.com/rgamble4sheriff. These sites may help answer some of your questions. I will comment on your question about negative campaigning. That is not what you can expect from my campaign. I have learned that things tend to reveal themselves with time and my energy is better spent elsewhere. I will focus on positive changes our county could benefit from. Thank you for your questions and I hope the pages above help but if they do not look for more elaborations in upcoming interviews.

Kindly yours,

Rich Gamble

Anonymous said...

2 horses and 1 braying jackass (BTW)

Anonymous said...

Mr. Gamble,

I just looked at your myspace page. It seems well done and informative but I did notice 1 thing. Why did you not post your religion? I have been around myspace for quite some time and most people do fill this out. I remember that last election, much of your campaign was based on your faith yet you make no mention of it this time. Just curious as to why.

Anonymous said...

You write very well.