Friday, March 7, 2008


I am so sorry that I was unable to be here for the last 30 days. My job called me away from the state for the last thirty days and well I had to do what my job asked. Yes i guess I could have pulled up what the two morons...Oh wait now there is only one Moron left. Seems while i was gone the supposedly higher intelligent Jay Moreno got himself kicked off of the second website with in the last 7 months. Man not a good time to be pissed and in a wheel chair and no one to listen to you. I told you Moreno that it was just a matter of time before you became what you were before the whole blog attacks started....USELESS. You are a useless member of our society who is filled with hate and discontent for anyone who doesn't drink your Jim Jones koolaid and look for the comet.( Yes I know they are two separate events ) I have seen nothing really on the other site but them doing what they complained about the sheriff doing. Which is having to dig up old stories cause they blew their loads way to soon. I did see where one of our county commissioners is starting to sell himself on TV like a certain 20ish Hotel female did. You know you look at them on the TV and ask yourself why is this %^@&$ on here. They have done nothing to be on TV. Why is he the only commissioner who whores himself to the media when ever our sheriff is mentioned. I also seen where our sheriff department went and aided the other counties that worked with them on Blue Lightning and netted another large amount of drugs and drug money. I'll try to stay more current now that I am back from Texas and I will also try to get some new cartoons up. HINT HINT THEIR KID. OK well now that Rogers will have something to put up on his site outside of more old scanned documents I will drink me a glass of Ice tea and watch some braves spring training. Oh and in closing a moment of silence for Jay Morono....the Internet has never be more smarter than it is with out him.


Anonymous said...

What happened to Schoolboy? We know what happened to Rollerboy. I'm doing Rick Warren's 40 days of community, it is a great follow up to The Purpose Driven Life.

Anonymous said...

Great for you Marion, what are you recovering from? Headupbillsmithsassitis?

I hope that sleazy bastard is in jail come election. Time to rid this county of the Good Ole Boy mentality. It is 2008, not 1888 when your type were lynching folks.

Anonymous said...

Was that you Steve?

Anonymous said...

You can only wish that you could get as many hits on your blog as Rick and Jay get on theirs!!