Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Why do the Blindly Attack so Hard?

Let See who they attack and for what reason these people are Innocent?

1. Gina Evanson, The Former Purchasing Agent
Ms. Evanson was the one of the innocent person to be fired on by the attackers. Now do not get me wrong what Ms Evanson did was wrong and she should have been punished for what she did. But the way it was handled by the media and one of our commissioner was completely wrong. She was found guilty of the crime before the Sheriff Department and Mike Fender could finish the investigation. The news should not have even been broken until the investigation was complete. The one thing I get most irritated her years of work for the department and these two misuse and you call for nothing less than her head. Then our commissioner says "We're not trying to beat up on her" I beat she felt they were. Mistakes happen, remember we our all human. This young lady has two children, I do not think this young women would do anything to be unable to provide for her kids. Lets use our brains people.

2. David Mills - Patrol Deputy
The creator of 4thebadge site before it was hacked by Mr. Rogers. Oh before you say you didn't. Without ever speaking one word to Deputy Mills I have learned that the way the site was hacked was by a mistrust of a members. When Rick had access inside the site he simply deleted all the post and reopened it the way he saw fit. Then a story came out that at best was based on information from the inmate Internet. The story goes that Deputy Mills was allowing inmates go into the Females shower and having sex. They then claimed he was sent to the substation to work as punishment. Alright after some investigation work here is how you know that this is nothing more than an inmate trying to get back at an officer. Had Mills brought a male inmate into the female block for anything, there is two cameras in the block and there would be no way to hide it. One of the camera's is aimed to cover the "day room" and I guess you can see the shower from the camera so if any two inmates went in there to have sex you would have seen them go in. I was also informed they can retrieve footage from the camera for review. So with all this if they were unable to find any sufficient evidence to fire Deputy Mills than there was no sex going on. Also had he done this I find it hard to see him being put on the road by the department. Again another attack from unreliable Intel. With Intel like this were you ever employed by the government looking for WMD.

3. Bob Godley - TIDE Team Deputy(Terrorist Interdiction and Drug Enforcement)
Then the attackers decided that they would go off of word of mouth. I never saw you post any scanned documents from either the base or from the PD out of Arizona. Yet you go on here and name him as a person who watched child pornography. Those are strong things to be blaming a man of. If he wasn't fired for it or if it was never placed in any of his disciplinary files then he is not guilty of anything. As the same with Gina another innocent person who gets to enjoy their name being drug through the mud cause of this attack.

4. Bryan Fewox - Computer Guy at the Sheriff Department
This attack is the funniest to me, cause it so far off target it is comical. For starters Bryan Fewox hasn't a clue who runs this site. First you come to the conclusion he is the editor cause I said my son played on the same team as Arlo. Ok. First Nick is only 21 or 22, Arlo is about 28 or 29. No way they would play on the same team. Second Bryan does not have any boys. Third you went after the man's mother. Brilliant. Then after he tells you to leave his name out of this. What happens. Not even a month later Rick is stating oh we must have been right about Bryan. Your wrong you are so so wrong. Hysterically wrong.

5. Charlene Sears. - County Commissioner
Ms Sears was the first person you attacked. There was the comment about how the sheriff is her boss during the day and she is his at night. You stay classy Camden County. The only thing Ms Sears has done wrong from this editors eyes is to tell Steve Berry to shut his mouth when he says she has a conflict in interest. She works for the sheriff dept. so what Jim Proctor did to when he was on the board and the board valued his opinion on everything. Seems the conflict didn't occur until Berry had a problem with the Sheriff.

6 Luke Daniels - Daniel Bail Bonds
Today on Topix I seen where Mr. Daniels is supposedly a felon. Just to fix this before I laugh myself into a coma. Little things call laws you should read about. First. To be a bail bondsman you have to be registered to carry a weapon. Ok can anyone tell me why that piece of information is important? Anyone! I will tell you. Cause it is impossible for a felon to own a weapon much less be registered for it. I looked in a phone book and guess what Daniels still bonds out in Florida. I might give him a ring tomorrow to see what else I can to prove these C.B.I ( Camden Bumbling Investigators) has said to be false.

You see folks these are the innocent people they are attacking in an attempt to discredit the sheriff. These people have nothing to do with the War except that they work for our sheriff. It is much like when a bomb is dropped ( NO JAY ) on a country during a war. You might hit the target but you are guaranteed to hit a ton of innocent people in the fall out. These people above have had their names ran through the mud by people who have nothing to do with the days to come I am going to show that the people attacking are not attacking because they are out looking for the best of Camden County, yet in fact they are looking out for their own interest. Like a writer stated on topix that no matter small town, big town politics are always influenced by other interest. I think politics are best summed up by the following statement...

Politics is not always about higher matters, sometimes it is about the ugly business of making friends - Tony Blair


Anonymous said...

I thought this was the no spin zone? But it looks like CNN (corrupt News Normal)But its ok, they can work for Willie where the laws don't apply. Nuff said

Roxy the school police watch dog said...

You forgot the newest guy Dale Bundy, and how he lied and paid witnesses to get his job.

You forgot that one.

Roxy the school police watch dog said...

But thank you for turning off the mod.

Roxy the school police watch dog said...

Another lie, David Mills has said time and time again he was not the author of that blog, Yet you say he was.

Second, I was not a member of that blog I only posted on it. I had no idea who own the blog, and only the blog owner can allow access.

You are a lair. Or you have no clue to what you are talking about. You called me an ex con, So I showed you my complete background. You hide behind a fake name and tell lies and expect people to believe you. Not going to happen.

Roxy the school police watch dog said...

I never attacked Charlene Sears.
I asked if Bill was the boss during the day and she the boss at night.

Then she and her perverted little mind started thinking sex and tried too get me to stop talking about her by posting my background,

So please tell me how does a woman that has not even talked to me before get my background.

That is really ethical.

You are doing a great job of making your heros look even worse.

And do you really think Gina made that mistake twice.

Anonymous said...

theres an old saying that if it happen once, it was a mistake,but if it happen again, its a habit,refering to the misuse of a county credit card, its also call theft by deception or fraud. Sorry but I can't sugar coat it any other way

Anonymous said...

Willie and his lemur, love that headline pic,Hotttttttttttt Dam, that supposed to be Charley?

Roxy the school police watch dog said...

One more thing,
Thanks for proving that it was a Sheriff Office employee that put my mug shot online in digital format.

I love you and the Sheriff.

Thank you for proving me right

Anonymous said...

It just took some time - not as long as I expected suprisingly, for the truth to come out and you tell on yourselves about this Dep. Mills guy running your site. This truth along with many, many, many other truths will eventually come to light,too.
I remember reading on the other guys site that Dep. Mills ABSOLUTLY did not run the site -
Sounds like you guys are corrupt even in cyberspace!

At least this Rick guy is willing to put his name on it and leads us to the facts along with each post. Not to mention there is some good, honest, and clean humor on it,too. Are you upset because he's correct - or because more and more people are reading it and agreeing?

I and ( to quote you ) "THOSE WHO HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS" most certainly have alot to do with it as TAXPAYERS/VOTERS in this county.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Rick and Jay are right again while the sheriff's dept is caught in another lie..... You can sure tell that the lies start from the top and then run down hill to certain deputies.

I wonder how many will be around when smith is gone and a new sheriff takes over ?


Anonymous said...

This is not for publication, but is eyes only for the blog administrator. There are several items from the Tribune & Georgian on this web site that are used without attribution. We don't mind you using them, but we request that you cite the original source. Thank you. If you have any questions about what a proper attribution is, contact me at, or 912-882-4927.

Anonymous said...

ye heard??? Damit Barney can't you teach them lemurs anything?

Anonymous said...

I believe you people want Willie out, printing stuff from the T&G without permission, ya'll gonna have Willie so far in the dog house he'll be barking at the cars out the back window. I can hear him now, Damit Charley I want their asses fired!!! I want them badges so I can give them to farley and jeff.

Anonymous said...

Why dont you try attacking peoples kids on here again Fewox! You are such an idiot. All of you guys are going down with that tin horn sheriff. Yall need to go ahead and tell the GBI what you know so you can save your own rear just like anyone who has half a brain already has done. The smart deputies and Smiths close friends have already done it. Join the band wagon Bryan!