Sunday, January 13, 2008

Message to Reader

e normas stitz I would like to have a conversation with you. The Email address you can reach me at is . I would like to ask you some questions about the situation that you have spoke of on this site. I am eager to hear your response.


Roxy the school police watch dog said...

Are you asking her to help spread your lies.

Anonymous said...

Lies.....Lies? I'm still waiting on the "proof" of the $667,000. The big "proof" that you have is the word of a couple of construction workers? You do make me laugh and keep us entertained.

Roxy the school police watch dog said...

You call me a liar yet you support a man who said he had permission to set up these schalorships but does not have proof. I have told the AG all I know on the $667,000, it is in his hands now. Why don't you ask your friend Bill to let us see his permission from the DOJ. It would only help him to show us that proof, therefore we must assume he never got permission and is now trying to cover his butt.

Anonymous said...

I could also say that I have have "given" the proof to someone else to cover my ass for not having any proof at all. Come on big time where is your proof? Put it all out there for everyone to see! Your proof of a murder cover up was a report by a wanna be Magnum P.I. that doesn't have the brains, sense or guts to be a real investigator. You say you have proof, everyone wants to see it. It's time to put up or shut the hell up, stupid redneck.

Roxy the school police watch dog said...

You are the one supporting a liar. Tell your buddy to show his proof and I will tell all. The AG has alredy talked to two of the fired construction workers. As soon as they say I can tell you, your site will be the first to know. In the mean time, maybe you should ask yourself why the top law enforcement officer in Camden is lying about the drug money. Maybe because he is buying votes?

I never took an oath to tell the truth, Sheriff Smith did. Why won't you ask him to tell the truth?

Anonymous said...

My site? I have no site.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone even go to the preschool police or whatever anymore? No one seems to post there anymore. I looked at it the other day and it seems as though he is reposting the same stuff over and over like that check from the 90's. That has been posted atleast once before. Same old stuff is boring. Must have run out of new stuff. Blew his wad way too early.

Roxy the school police watch dog said...

It seems to be me and you on this site. It's been in the 5,000 hits for months now.

My site on the other hand still get 100 hits a day. And yes i have not posted anything new lately, but I will soon. I am looking into why our Sheriff's dept is not writing tickets, down 5,000 from last year.

Anonymous said...

And could you please look into why I crapped only twice yesterday, down from 3 the day the day before.

Anonymous said...

To the one who said he only crapped twice yesterday...I can only must be full of it!! Rick has put more proof on his blog than Bill Smith ever has to dispute what he's accused of!!