Wednesday, January 2, 2008


Well it didn't take but 4 days in to this new year for the two headed tag team to make me break my New Years resolution. I said that I wasn't going to allow myself to be angered by people who only say things to make them feel important. You see ladies and Gentlemen Rick and Jay are two individuals suffering from a condition known as low self esteem. You see in life they are useless, they are not a important part of our community. So they try to make them self known by having a common hate for Sheriff Smith not cause of anything he has done, no it arises from their well spent time in the Camden County Jail. So they now sit on the Internet and spew their hate and venom and try to bully anyone and call people names if anyone opposes their views. "People used to assume that bullies acted violently towards others because they suffered from low self-esteem."- wikipedia. Huh sound familiar. Now that I have said all that let me get back to the title of the piece.

So OUR sheriff department is giving college students scholarships for education. You then post a 47 news clip, and after you tear apart one sentence out of the entire 1 minute and 15 second clip. You then go online a pull a story about the young lady who received the scholarship who participated in a the event. It did not say she was one of the students who was walking around and asking students to try this experience out.

You two listen to me real good. Get off of your soap boxes. You are not going to get Sheriff Smith ousted as our Sheriff. You can call people names until your blue in your chair. You can go after every Sheriff Office employee up there. You can say that there is no new news for the sheriff then post documents from a trial that is 6 years old. Drag up cases from the 60's why dont you. Maybe as a toddler Sheriff was such a good shot he robbed banks from his stroller and got away. Go investigate it Rick. Talk all you want and just be hypocritical all day long and I know this for a fact it is not cause you care about our community. There is always an agenda behind WARS. As you should be soon reading on this site. Try to bully Camden county into voting for Gregory. Just know that the men and women who work for that department deserve better than two ex-inmates with an axe to grind trying to ruin their names and anything good they try to do for this community. So cry about everything. Feel good knowing that this 15 minutes of fame you two have garnered by screaming loud enough that some people looked your way and thus allowed you to have a little big of self esteem. But when it is all said and done you will return to the two nothings you were before all this started.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

them two busted your chops, did you make the head pile of operation dog crap?

Anonymous said...

another fine piece journalism from the dog pile, ya;ll so good you suck,

Roxy the school police watch dog said...

I always thought those who can't even use their real name to support a man who has been in office for 20 years, have low self esteem.

But I guess not.

I have such low self esteem, that I will criticize people using my real name.

My name is Rick Rogers and I am proud of what I have done in such a short time. What has Bill done with his own money or TIME in 20 years?

Anonymous said...

What has Rick done other than spend time in jail, almost get fired for sending harrassing emails to Ann Proctor, try to get his trouble maker kid out of trouble for something she deserved. You are a great man Rick, now go clean the urinals chop, chop.

Roxy the school police watch dog said...

Once again you are wrong, you don't know me.
I have spent a total of 11 hours in jail, that makes me an ex con no, but your buddy cisco is.

No I almost did not get fired. They tried and failed to get me fired, and it was not Proctor it was the KPD, and my kid is not a trouble maker you don't even know her. But it looks like those who support Bill always attack the young children

Get your facts straight before you comment otherwise it makes you look like an ass like your friend Bill.

Anonymous said...

Proctor didn't speak with your boss?????????????
I think you have your facts wrong. You sure do call lots of people names.

Roxy the school police watch dog said...

No It was the first desk lady at the KPD. But thanks for trying.

Anonymous said...

Now you are the one lying. Are you saying you did not almost get fired for sending massive amounts of email from your work? Did Ann Proctor not send your boss copies of all your emails. Did you not get hung out to dry for being a dipwad instead of working? Come on Rick, speak it brother.

Anonymous said...

Good job Spanky and Mcdonald for getting another real piece of garbage off our streets, Keep up the good work, and any of the rest of the real working troops I didn't see on the news, BZ's and KUDO's, ya'll are doing a hell of a good job and we appreacate you

Roxy the school police watch dog said...

e normas stitz said...

Now you are the one lying. Are you saying you did not almost get fired for sending massive amounts of email from your work? Did Ann Proctor not send your boss copies of all your emails. Did you not get hung out to dry for being a dipwad instead of working? Come on Rick, speak it brother.


Proctor sent nothing. Once again it was the PD that tried and failed, but you believe what you want to.

Why don't you try and defend Billy for illegally spending the taxpayers money on scholarships. He said he got permission and can't prove it. Same with Celebrate Recovery where is the permission from Janet Reno. Why not try and defend that. Does Bill not support our troops, he is sending and anti troops activist to college. Nothing like slapping the military in the face in your own county. Defend that.

Anonymous said...

Me thinks thou doth protest too much. All of the Bill supporters whine and cry every time the truth is told on their hero. just keep up the good work letting the public know what a wolf in sheep's clothing they have protecting(ha ha) them while they sleep. Crybabies..all of them!!

Anonymous said...

2 things
1 leave the kids out of it norma
2 rick who is against the troops?
ill say i dont like the war but do all i can for the troops. we have to have a military and we all know that.