Sunday, October 7, 2007

Just a thought about this county

The State Of Camden County...
Just a stroll back in the way back machine you would see trees for as far as the eyes could see. Only three traffic light made homes in Camden County. Everybody knew at least 50 people who worked at either the mill or the bag plant. We had the son of a former Sheriff being elected the new sheriff. Now fast forward 21 years and the mill looks like a war zone. The bag plant shut down years ago. There has been a whirl wind of change in this county that no body back then would have expected. Two things have remained the same. Sheriff Bill Smith and we live in a safe community. Lets face some facts folks we live in a safe community. Look at your map. The next city north is Brunswick. I haven't done any research on it but the city is getting out of control. There are shootings and murders up there every other night it seems. In no way am I saying the Glynn Co Sheriff Dept or their local police Dept are failing. I have nothing but respect for all our local law enforcement. The criminals of this world will always have the numbers when it comes to this war between law enforcement and law breakers. Now look south. Jacksonville. We all watch the news and know what happens on a nightly basis. Do you lock your cars at night. Some don't. Are you afraid to let your kids play in the front yard? Say what you will about the Sheriff. One thing you can't say about Sheriff Smith h is that he has not keep our county safe while our county has grown by leaps and bounds. The ease you have living in this county is no fluke. It did not just happen by it self. It took several thousands upon thousands of tireless and now seemly thankless hours keeping us safe. Our county is still a safe place to live and to raise your kids. I think that some of us need to remember who has been serving this county is the fight to keep our community a safe haven. It has been both the men and women of law enforcement over the years and the ONLY sheriff we have had during that time. William E Smith. Thank You Sheriff Smith for the years of service and here's hoping for 4 more years and an even 25 years of service.


Jay Moreno said...

Horse hockey!

The seminal event in the growth of this county was the arrival of NSBKB. Because the submariners and the Marines who guard the base are the creme'de la creme' of the Navy - and have to remain that way to stay in subs - the actual service men and women and the accompanying civil servants have had a major influence on the exceedingly low crime rate in the county. Hell, if the county werer nothing but Naval submariner personnel, a troop of Boyscouts with BB guns could maintain law and order.

Who else has moved here subsequent to the sub base? Mostly older, established, relatively affluent Caucasian Americans - hardly a high crime demographic. We have also had an out-migration of younger Camdenians - a higher crime statisical cohort - in search of jobs which will sustain a family. Thank you, JDA.

While a few indigenous blacks reamin trapped here by poverty and a lack of education, the percentage of the population which is black is very small. Moreover, the percentage of those involved in criminal activity is far, far smaller than in Glynn and Duval counties. This is due to this being a county which has to this day the famous and exclusive Kamden Kounty Kow club (of which BTW is arguably the de facto "Grand Bull") and the long history of the Smith dynasty and other Caucasian sheriffs of "keeping the nigras under control."

Your dream is the nightmare of honest, decent, constitution- loving Americans in Camden County.

Roxy the school police watch dog said...

You really expect people to believe it is Bill Smith causing are crime to be so low. It's Bill that committs most of the crimes. What about the KPD, St. Mary's and Woogbine PD's. They don't have anything to do with it. How can they keep crime so low with only 4 people on patrol at one time. That is what they told us a the Jet Ski meeting. Heck he can't even keep control over 3 trusty's.

Please explain how the Brunswick PD is not failing. By your own accounts they have to be. If they were not failing their crime would be as low as ours. Maybe the police have nothing to do with the crime rate. Maybe as Jay said it is the people that live there.

I expect to see your background on here real soon.

Jay Moreno said...

And I would be remiss if I did not add that the hardworking folks who lived here before the Navy came to town were - and are - a very decent, salt-of-the-Earth, inherently low-crime producing lot themselves. Unfortunately, when in comes to their old-line, corrupt, good old boy Brahmin governments,they don't yet seem to fuly realize that with the demise of the all powerful, all threatening, all controlling mill culture, they can now throw the bums out with complete financial and social impunity. However, I do believe that '08 might well be the year they break free.

Anonymous said...

Hey Bill is Great, maybe you can enlighten me as to why the blog posters over at "The real school police" site have a beef with the sheriff. I asked them to respond to that question and was offered a "don't look a gift horse in the mouth" comment in return. Just kinda curious as to what the real issue is between all those who are getting exposed through these blog sites.
This is the blog I was referring to.

I inferred that they may just be "haters with a vengeance" in a follow up post but apparently it was not allowed to post for some reason.

Jay Moreno said...

Yeah, that's it - I'm just a "hater with a vengeance," but does that make BTW's documented actions any less criminal?

You may want to hold off on answering that until you see the lead story in this coming Sunday's Georgia Times-Union.

Roxy the school police watch dog said...

I don't have any. I have never even talked to the man. Is he a good man, I am sure he is. I am sure he is a loving husband, father and friend, but I only care about him as Sheriff. Sure he has done lots of good things, But when you don't follow the law someone should stand up and say something. That is what I have done. Since I came here in 1991, all I have heard is how crooked our Sheriff is. Yet no one had any proof. No one ever published documents to back up what they say.

This is not personal, it all political. After all Bill Smith is a politician that hold political office. If you don't agree with his politics then it must be political. And that is not a bad thing. Just like everyone saying that Berry going after Smith is politically motivated. Well of course it is, they are two politicians. It all about politics and that is not a bad thing.

But no I have no beef with the Sheriff personally, that is why I posted my background check, if you look at it closely you will see I paid my fines and went on with life, no jail time, so I am not an Ex Con as the one who supports the Sheriff says. Just another one of their lies. Or maybe they are just to dumb to know.

Anonymous said...

Rick and Jay I am going to have a response to your comments on here soon. I will say this as a start. The moves started (berry)were not a political move it was a personal move hidden under a political move. Trust me. There is an underline reason that all this started. I know why but it is not my place to state. My highly critical comments are coming soon.

Roxy the school police watch dog said...

Does it really matter. The facts are the Sheriff is not obeying the laws he swore to uphold.

He said he got permission from Janet Reno, and then he said he didn't. First he says he doesn't pay inmates and then the audit comes out and he says it's OK to pay them.

He is a liar and we don't need a liar for Sheriff anymore.

I look forword to your comment and background check

Roxy the school police watch dog said...

and of course I say it is political just as you have been saying for weeks, but now with Berry it is personal. Well good for Berry, it has nothing to do with me.

Your story changes everytime you open your mouth.

Trust you, why you have done nothing but attack me, for pointing out what people have been saying for years. The only differance is I am putting court documents and other resources to back up what I say.

Jay Moreno said...

"I know why but it is not my place to state."

Oh, brother, that's hysterical when you think about it!

Jay Moreno said...

When you finally get around to responding, please be sure that you give us your very best defense of these documented Smith felonies:

Than you.

Jay Moreno said...

Having a little difficulty concocting a plausible defense of the indefensible, are we?

Anonymous said...

As one who moved from Camden to Brunswick I take great offense at your outright lies when you say "the city (Brunswick) is getting out of control. There are shootings and murders up there every other night"

My comment is prove it or shut up. Stop telling lies.

Anonymous said...

I agree that compare to Glynn County and Jacksonville, our crime rate is lower. But with all due respect there are some very fine deputies working for the Camden County Sheriff’s Office who help keep our county safe, not Bill Smith. Sheriff Smith has never worked a shift in his life where he told the deputies how to police this county. The reason is he does not know how, is he is just an elected figure head and does not know how without Charlie Easterling telling him how to. With that said a lot of our low crime rate is because of the Kingsland Police Department and the St. Mary’s Police Department. Over half of the population of our county lives inside these two cities. So the thanks go out to the real hard working deputies and police officers in our cities. How can Bill take credit when he is hardly ever in Camden County?

Anonymous said...

Just for the math. Bill Smith is at the end of his 23rd year and at election time have he will have 24. If by chance he got RE-elected that would make 28. THE TIME FOR CHANGE IS NOW.

Anonymous said...

No I am working hard on my response .. I dont need any help from anyone and trust me when I drop the bomb... I am not on your time. So I can take as long as I want.

Jay Moreno said...

So, who are you going to bomb? Me, Rick, Steve Berry? The courageous informants in yesterdays front page expose'.

Will that not just serve to justify your being called a Thugggie and BS being called Big Thug Willie even more?

Give it up. Your're done.

Jay Moreno said...

So, are you still bailing furiously, or looking for the nearest lifeboat?

Roxy the school police watch dog said...

Do you think they'll drop the bomb?

Of course they will attack one of us. That article proved what we have been saying for months now. They can't defend it so they will attack someone else. It really does not matter what any of us do. We didn't take an oath so it does not matter what they say. Unless they go after Berry, he is fair game, because he also took an oath to the county. But I would hope this person does their homework, because this would be in retailation for bringing this to light, and if this person "Bill Is Great", Then we could have a huge lawsuit against the Sheriff and this person. So make sure you cross your I's and dot your T's.

Good Luck

Jay Moreno said...

The old Norden bomb sight on the fritz, is it?

Anonymous said...

How can you deliver a BOMB from thr Titanic,
ye heard?

Anonymous said...

I suggest that you stop the bickering amongst yourselves and stick to presenting hard facts, be they good or bad. Your comments to each other are parallel to those of elementary school children. The presentation of factual and reliable information is what will eventually make changes in our community. Just my outside-looking-in point of view.

Jay Moreno said...

OK, so the "bomb" was a virus you slipped in on me somehow. Now, $84.00 and less than 24 HRS later, I'm back up and running. Did you really think you would cow me with such a chicken-shit move?

Anonymous said...

Bill Smith should be in jail!!!!!!!!!!! He has crossed the line and is a criminal. Throw his butt in jail, and go light on the ice cream and tiki torches.

Jay Moreno said...

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I offfer this for your consideration.

14 Oct: The Thuggy, anonymous proprietor of this blog - widely thought to be a techno savy employee of BTW - commmunicates a threat to "bomb" me and Rick.

15 Oct: Late in the afternoon, I post my "Norden bombsite on the fritz?" tauntm, then close down computer. Less than an hour later, when I attempt to boot up, I get
a screen saying that my hard disk has beeen dumped.

16 Oct: Around 5:45 PM, I get my restored computer back from B-Hosted Dot Net. A little after 6:00, I post again on this blog.
Sometime before midnight on the 16th - less than 6 hours after that posting, the proprietor manages to find the cartoon of me supposedly catching a virus from watching porn and posts it.

You be the judge.

By the way, I've only scanned what he will no doubt tell you was the "actual bomb" so far this morning, but at a quick glance, it appears that the guilty rats are probably desperately aware that he Sunday GTU front page article has holed the bad ship Willie below the water line.

Anonymous said...

You people of Camden Co. better open your eyes and get rid of Bill Smith!! Because if he's elected again, he will have carte blanche to do exactly as he pleases and to heck with what is right and just!!